Sunday, June 27, 2010

Triglycerides Diet | Foods that Lower Triglycerides

Diet that Lowers your Triglycerides

In order to lower you triglycerides naturally you need to do a whole list of things, however on of the things you can do to lower your triglycerides without medicine is to go on a triglycerides diet. A triglycerides diet consists of you avoiding foods that could increase your triglycerides while eating food that will help you to lower your triglycerides.

Diets that Reduce Triglycerides

According to the American Association for Clinical Chemistry, a diet high in carbohydrates and sugars will lead to high triglycerides. Therefore it is important for people trying to reduce elevated triglycerides to first start by staying away from foods high in carbohydrates and sugar. Some food that you should stay away from if you are trying to reduce elevated triglycerides are sugars, honey, jams, and other foods with high levels of sugar. You should also stay away from all forms of alcohol such as beer and wine because these drinks have very high levels of carbohydrates, which will lead to elevated triglycerides. The reason sugar and carbohydrates are taken out of a triglycerides diet is because these types of foods have high levels of calories in them. Your body will convert these extra calories into triglycerides and store them in your body.

Apart from staying away from foods with sugar and carbohydrates you also need to be eating foods such as fruit or oatmeal, as it promotes your body to burn more energy, which also means your body will create less triglycerides. However when eating these goods food be sure too not add fatty foods such as butter.

So be sure too start a healthy elevated triglyceride diet.

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